Gynger Branding

Minimum Viable Branding
In short
For this project, our goal was to provide Gynger with a solid and dynamic brand that was scalable to their digital products. We also redesigned their website applying the new visual style and tone of voice.
What we did
Expert review
Art direction
Design system
Web design

Finding the concept

The first step towards a solid branding was to define the concept. This included tone of voice, a mission statement and the brand values. We asked ourselves several questions.

A series of brainstorming sessions and direct collaboration with the team helped us ideate and make decisions together.

Finding inspiration

Benchmarking is the process that serves as a critical inspiration step in the design process and in collecting information directly from competitors, partners, and other companies in similar spaces.

Visual experimentation

The previous approach proved successful so we took that process even farther and went beyond just venue pages and tackled a lot of new upcoming use cases by creating a design system.

1. Competitors

It was essential to understand Gynger’s competitors and how they are positioned and presented in the market.

2. How to stand out from them?

After analyzing other companies in the space, we sought to find a solid visual representation for brand concept. What made us different? And how could we replicate that?

3. Eureka moment!

Inspired by our investigation and starting with a set of visual resources, we could transmit the message the brand was trying to convey.

The website

Regarding the user experience and the user interface, we iterated the designs on a weekly basis, touching base with the client once a week to get feedback, brainstorm, and make decisions together.

Next project